
Portsmouth & District Chess League

Division 3 Results 2023-2024

Division 3 - Round 1

Thursday 5th October 2023
 Emsworth B4-1Chichester D
1Adrian Parker15951 - 0Isaac McDonald1398
2Darren Saunders15690 - 1Lloyd Jolley1452
3Terry Martin 1 - 0Ryan Kinzett1490
4Darren Cook14371 - 0K Guy 
5Dylan Horner 1 - 0V Charles 

Just a quick thank you for people playing and congratulations for the 4-1 win, and great results from Terry and Dylan for their wins in their debut matches.

[Mark Davies 5th Oct 2023 - WM]

Division 3 - Round 2

Monday 6th November 2023
 Chichester C2-3Emsworth B
1Laurence Ellett16961 - 0Adrian Parker1613
2Michael Webber16090 - 1Phil Pinto1698
3John Hargreaves15930 - 1Mark Davies1689
4Philip Carr16121 - 0Simon Gates1428
5Ian Richardson15670 - 1David Jerome1235

A close result with Emsworth winning against a strong Chichester side.

Board 1: I didn't get a chance to see Adrian going down against a young Laurence Ellett

Board 2: Tough interesting strategic game with both of us making too many inaccuracies but I finally won in a blitz finish.

Board 3: Mark on top won on time.

Board 4: Simon in an equal position over looked a knight fork

Board 5: Dave (welcome back!) won when material down when his opponent did not stop a mate !

[Mark Davies 06-11-2023 - WM]

Division 3 - Round 3

Thursday 30th November 2023
 Emsworth B2½-2½Fareham D
1Adrian Parker1613½ - ½Stephen Nelson-Smith1731
2Darren Saunders15561 - 0Jack Mcburnie1503
3Terry Martin18380 - 1Adrian Krajewski1270
4Darren Cook14481 - 0D Campion 
5Dylan Horner15930 - 1David Anderson1249

Our B team drew against Fareham D last night.

We remain top of league 3.

Board 1 Adrian had a solid draw

Board 2 Darren S won material

Board 3 Terry played an incorrect sac under time pressure

He has only played one game which he won and so his

1800+ grade is unrealistic.

Board 4 Darren C won with a fork of K and Q

Board 5 Young Dylan lost in only 15 moves

Division 3 - Round 4

Thursday 14th December 2023
 Portsmouth C2½-2½Emsworth B
1Basher E ½ - ½Adrian Parker1605
2Lewis Hoskin12920 - 1Darren Saunders1553
3Ekram I 1 - 0Mark Davies1708
4Ian Mullen14861 - 0David Jerome1258
5Liam Rowe15790 - 1Terry Martin1838

A draw in division 3. Decent result. Terry had a great game as did Darren.

Mark, team captain, said he blundered in a completely winning position on move 35.

(Happens to all of us ! Takes time to get over)

We are still top of the division but only because we have played more matches.

Division 3 - Round 5

Monday 26th February 2024
 Chichester D3-2Emsworth B
1Kyall Guy15030 - 1Mark Davies1692
2Lloyd Jolley14850 - 1Darren Saunders1564
3Jacob Carr15151 - 0Jonathan Cox 
4Rahul Leo Thomas12431 - 0Simon Gates1354
5Vishal Leo Thomas13721 - 0Dylan Horner1350

Lost unfortunately but gave recent club recruits match experience.

[Phil Pinto 27-02-2024 - WM]

Division 3 - Round 6

Thursday 14th March 2024
 Emsworth B1½-3½Chichester C
1Adrian Parker1606½ - ½Laurence Ellett1713
2Mark Davies1697½ - ½Steve Coe1700
3Terry Martin1628½ - ½Ian Richardson1527
4Simon Gates13330 - 1Lloyd Jolley1493
5Darren Cook14520 - 1Jacob Carr1532

We lost to Chichester C last night in a close match.

Good draws on top 3 boards.

I looked in late on and could see Simon had just lost his rook. He needed to play h4 earlier rather than h3 to stop the Ng4 move because his king was vulnerable. Also, Darren would have difficulty stopping a d pawn going to queen.

The Chichester team played well. Congrats to them.

[Phil Pinto 15-03-2024 - WM]

Division 3 - Round 7

Tuesday 2nd April 2024
 Fareham D3½-1½Emsworth B
1Mircea Trandafir1558½ - ½Mark Davies1694
2Jack Mcburnie16381 - 0Darren Saunders1572
3Louis Rooney15131 - 0Simon Gates1319
4Peter Stewart14731 - 0Darren Cook1444
5David Anderson12630 - 1David Menary 

Thanks to all the B team for braving the weather and travelling to Fareham.

Well done to Dave for his debut win, and commiserations to the [others]. The individual games were much close[r] than suggested by the final result.

[Mark Davies 03-04-2024 - WM]

Division 3 - Round 8

Thursday 2nd May 2024
 Emsworth B3½-1½Portsmouth C
1Adrian Parker16091 - 0Basher Ekramul1617
2Terry Martin16041 - 0Paul Eyles1420
3Milan Bennet ½ - ½Paul Barker1449
4David Menary 0 - 1Kevin Johnson1335
5Simon Gates13201 - 0Lewis Hoskin1260

Played last night. (after Portsmouth asked for reschedule)

Good win for team B managed by Mark.

Adrian on board 1 finished latest and playing on 15 second increments found a mating attack in an opposite coloured bishop & queen ending a pawn down

Terry did well to win against Paul. Paul played quickly putting him under time pressure

Milan had a winning position but incorrectly simplified into a king & pawn ending a pawn down but managed to draw.

I saw Dave's game when a bishop for 2 pawns down. Then his other bishop was trapped. Well played by his opponent Kevin.

Simon won a queen for a rook and then another rook.

[Phil Pinto 3rd May - WM]