Latest news and updates

13 May 2024

Recent results
Date Division RoundHome TeamScoreAway team
*1 Thu 02-05-2024Division 3 8 Emsworth B3½-1½Portsmouth C
*2 Mon 13-05-2024Division 1 10 Chichester A3-2Emsworth A

  *1 Rescheduled from 25th April
  *2 Note that this match was played over 5 boards as opposed to the usual 6 - explanation of this and other interesting stuff if you follow the link in the match score above. - WM

18 April 2024

Division 1 result
Date Division RoundHome TeamScoreAway team
Thu 18-04-2024Division 1 9 Emsworth A3½-2½Cosham A

An ultra close match swung by Peter winning what had been a lost ending!

Portsmouth & District Chess League current league tables...

(Clicking on these navigates away from Emsworth Chess Club)

PDCL D1 Table 2024-04-18 PDCL D3 Table 2024-04-18

15 April 2024

Remaining Fixtures 2023-24 Season
Date Division Round Home Team Score Away team
Thu 18-04-2024 Division 1 9 Emsworth A  v  Cosham A
Thu 25-04-2024 Division 3 8 Emsworth B  v  Portsmouth C
Mon 13-05-2024 Division 1 10 Chichester A  v  Emsworth A
17or24-06-2024 Cole Plate Final Chichester B  v Emsworth A

11 April 2024

Cole Plate result
Date Division RoundHome TeamScoreAway team
Thu 11-04-2024Cole Plate 1 Emsworth4-1Portsmouth

11 April 2024

Organised an extra home match tonight v Portsmouth for the Cole Cup plate as Emsworth A team captain.

Look forward to seeing Simon Venables and his team tonight for a good match.

Cole Cup is 60 minutes with 15 mins QPF and a 5 board match. Home team has black on board 1. Rule for draw result is to eliminate board from lowest number backwards.

I am Cole Cup tournament controller this year on behalf of the Portsmouth League.

[Phil Pinto 11-04-2024]

5 April 2024

Added 2 club night pictures to the gallery.

5 April 2024

*** Good luck to Charlie Staples in ***
*** U1600 tournaments at ***
*** Guildford 12th to 14th April and ***
*** Bristol 26th to 28th April. ***

These will be his 2nd and 3rd tournaments respectively. Spoke to him last night at the club and he goes to enjoy the games and not think of results - I like this 'for the love of the game' approach. I look forward to seeing one or two of his games.

[Phil Pinto 05-04-2024]

5 April 2024

Recent results
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
8 Division 1 Thu 28-03-2024Portsmouth A3½-2½Emsworth A
7 Division 3 Tue 02-04-2024Fareham D 3½-1½Emsworth B

15 March 2024

Division 3 result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
6 Division 3 Thu 14-03-2024Emsworth B1½-3½Chichester C

13 March 2024

March 2024 fixtures and results...

March 2024 Results and Fixtures
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
7 Division 1 Thu 07-03-2024Emsworth A  4½-1½ Fareham B
6 Division 3 Thu 14-03-2024Emsworth B  v Chichester C
2 Cole Plate Thu 21-03-2024Emsworth  v Emsworth A
8 Division 1 Thu 28-03-2024Portsmouth A  v Emsworth A

Portsmouth & District Chess League current league tables...

(Clicking on these navigates away from Emsworth Chess Club)

PDCL D1 Table 2024-03-13

PDCL D3 Table 2024-03-13

8 March 2024

Division 1 result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
7 Division 1 Thu 07-03-2024Emsworth A4½-1½Fareham B

An interesting scoreline: round 6 against the same club (Fareham) ended with the same scoreline but this time Emsworth were the victors.

7 February 2024

Division 1 result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
6 Division 1 Tue 06-02-2024Fareham A4½-1½Emsworth A

A tough away day for the A team! Well played Paul and Ed on the middle two boards.

11 January 2024

Division result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
5 Division 1 Thu 11-01-2024Emsworth A3-3Chichester A

A great result for Emsworth, given the relative grades.

21 December 2023

Latest results
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
3 Division 3 Thu 30-11-2023Emsworth B2½-2½Fareham D
4 Division 1 Thu 07-12-2023Cosham A2-4Emsworth A
4 Division 3 Thu 14-12-2023Portsmouth C2½-2½Emsworth B

16 November 2023

Cole Cup result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
1 Cole Cup Thu 16-11-2023Emsworth½-4½Fareham

Apparently a closer match than the scoreline shows.

6 November 2023

3rd Division result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
2 Division 3 Mon 06-11-2023Chichester C2-3Emsworth B

2 November 2023

1st Division result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
3 Division 1 Thu 02-11-2023Emsworth A3-3Portsmouth A

Kier on fire again!

Proper write-up from Phil in result notes.

19 October 2023

1st Division result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
2 Division 1 Tue 17-10-2023Fareham B3-3Emsworth A

On board 5 I played white, my opponent played ♞xd5?? and I missed the win taking the ♞ with my ♘ as it cannot be retaken due ♕xc7 mate on c7. Instead I played ♖ad1?? and he played ♞xf4+ ♕xf4. Position then equal

2023-10-19 Phil Pinto 1

I reached this dead drawn rook ending but allowed my opponent to swop off the rook on his second attempt with check. Played the pawn ending badly losing the opposition with a pawn move that lost me stationary moves. Congrats to my young opponent for finding a way to win. But I seem to be playing weaker as I get into bus pass age territory.Quite concerning !

2023-10-19 Phil Pinto 2

[Phil Pinto]

17 October 2023

A good day for Fareham B hosting our A team: Fareham were outgraded on 4/6 boards but achieved a creditable match draw..

1st Division result
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
2 Division 1 Tue 17-10-2023Fareham B3-3Emsworth A

A fine win for Adrian on board 6 where he was outgraded by 89 points!

12 October 2023

First round Division 1 and 3 results added..

First round results
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
1 Division 1 Thu 28-09-2023Emsworth A2-4Fareham A
1 Division 3 Thu 05-10-2023Emsworth B4-1Chichester D

Our 2 wins in the team loss to Fareham A were quite remarkable:
On board 2, Kier beat Tony Corkett, a player outgrading him by 276 points! and,
on board 4, Ed had a great win against Richard Ursell who outgraded him by 97 points.

In the second match, welcome to Terry Martin and Dylan Horner whose wins in their debut matches helped Emsworth to a 4-1 win.

16 September 2023

Cole Cup first round pairing added.

Cole Cup first round pairing
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
1Cole Cup TBAEmsworth A  v Fareham A

14 September 2023

The 2023-2024 season is almost upon us, this year Emsworth will be entering teams in Division 1 and Division 3 of the Portsmouth and District Chess League.

In their opening fixture, Emsworth A will be hosting last season's Division 1 champions and current Cole Cup holders, Fareham A.

Emsworth B's opening match is at home against Chichester D.

Early 2023/4 Fixtures
RoundDivisionDateHome TeamScoreAway team
1Division 1 Thu 28-09-2023Emsworth A  v Fareham A
1Division 3 Thu 05-10-2023Emsworth B  v Chichester D
2Division 1 Tue 17-10-2023Fareham B  v Emsworth A