Pictures from over the years...

February 2024

Emsworth Chess Club
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2024-02-23 FB0015

Chess at Emsworth is getting more popular. 20 players + 3 parents last night. We welcomed Charlie Hylaridef (14) visiting from the Delft chess club (De Delftsche SchaakClub) . And first time attendee Simon Roberts: ex-Portsmouth chess club.
[Phil Pinto 23-02-2024]

2024-02-16 FB0014

Nice to see the Emsworth chess club busy ... we have quite a few new members.
[Phil Pinto 16-02-2024]

Emsworth Sports and Social Club
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September 2021

Guildford Chess Club 125 Years Celebration

Images and notes courtesy of Phil Pinto:

[Left to right: Phil Pinto, Paul Northcott, Ed Blanden WebM...]

2021-09-12 FB0002

Paul was our D'Artagnan drawing two games. Ed had a stone cold draw against GM Gawain Jones but got suckered into a knight and rook mating net. I had good positions in all three games which were interesting but blundered.

Paul Northcott drew both games he played - with FIDE Master Harry Grieve and International Master Nigel Povah.

An event with 125 boards stretching right down the high street. Congratulations Guildford Chess Club on staging such a great event.

All the masters taking part...

[Back Row: Matthew Wadsworth, Andrew Martin, Harry Grieve, Gawain Jones
Middle Row: Nigel Povah, Alex Golding, Nick Pert
Front Row: Akshaya Kalaiyalahan, Jessica Mellor
- WebM]

2021-09-12 FB0002

Ex-Emsworth Chess Club player Paul Cooper was assisting IM Matthew Wadsworth. Unfortunately, I only saw that after the event.

Somehow we missed each other, but it was busy!
[Paul Cooper]

August 2018

Golders Green Rapidplay Chess

Images and notes courtesy of Mark Davies:

Waiting for the chess to start...

2018-08-04 Mark Golders Green 1

Beautiful stain glass windows...

2018-08-04 St Lukes Hampstead

David at the board...

2018-08-04 David Golders Green

Feeling happy after winning outright the amateur section of the Golder's Green rapidplay chess.

2018-08-04 Mark Golders Green 2