
Portsmouth & District Chess League

Cole Cup Results 2023-2024

Cole Cup - Round 1

Thursday 16th November 2023
1Martin Buckley19640 - 1Roland Bezuidenhout2347
2Kier Eyles1959½ - ½Keith Gregory1991
3Edward Blanden17550 - 1Adam Ursell1938
4Peter Dallas17210 - 1David Deacon1881
5Phil Pinto16980 - 1Richard Ursell1819

We lost score wise heavily in the Cole Cup being black on odd boards as home team. Played to 70 minutes with 10 second / move increments.

Portsmouth v Fareham A in semi-final.

Fareham captain Keith emailed me 'A tight match where the final score bore no relation to the fact that several of the games could have ended differently'

Board 1: Martin lost a pawn to Roland who showed good technique to convert.

Board 2: Kier had a good draw with Keith. Kier said he missed a win on move 16.

Board 3: Ed lost a pawn to Adam but had compensation in a major piece ending. In time trouble, he got one of his rooks trapped.

Board 4: Pete played an unsound minor piece sacrifice I heard to Dave.

Board 5: I had a very long,complicated encounter with Richard blundering on move 67 with easy draw and a win was there.

[Phil Pinto Sat 18th Nov 2023 - WM]